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Homer Russell

To know is but a part. Skillful expression of knowledge is perfection. Homer Russell's ability as a chef exemplifies gastronomy par excellence.

Chocolate Melba

Bake cup cakes. Hull cakes out to the crust. Fill with whipped cream. Place cap back on again which has been removed. Cover same with thick chocolate sauce and serve.

Butter-scotch Sauce

1 tablespoonful sugar (browned to a golden brown)
1 ½ pts. water
1 ¾ cupfuls sugar

Boil 3 minutes, add heaping teaspoonful cocoa, 5 drops extract of vanilla, one-fourth cupful butter. Simmer to a glaze, thicken with corn-starch.

Baked Salmon Natural

Cut fish in desired pieces, place in well-buttered pan, salt and pepper and a little four to thicken, sprinkle with butter, add a little stock, about one-half pint for 2 portions, prepared from bones and trimmings. Place in moderate oven and bake until done.

Minced Beef Cutlets

Use left-over beef and trimmings you have on hand, run through food chopper. Mix onions and 1 green pepper, salt and pepper, shape into form of cutlet, dip in cracker meal, brown on both sides, serve with Espagnole sauce and teaspoonful of peas.