1956 Modern GN 2
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May 1956 Modern Railroads Magazine
The Modern Great Northern
Part Two

Thanks to Gary Muehlius and Chuck Hatler, I was able to get a copy of this long-out-of-print magazine.  It is packed with stories and data on the GN from the "glory days" of 1956.

WARNING:  These are BIG .jpg files (200k to 400k) and may take a while to download (especially if you're on a dial-up connection).  Click on the thumbnailed picture to view the page of your choice.  Below each picture is a brief description.

Return back to PART ONE of The Modern Great Northern

mr37.jpg (377107 bytes)

Page 37 - New Blood Upgrades GN Freight Cars, continued

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Page 38 - New Blood Upgrades GN Freight Cars, continued

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Page 39 - New Blood Upgrades GN Freight Cars, continued

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Page 40 - GN Exploits Diesel Power

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Page 41 - GN Exploits Diesel Power, continued

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Page 42 - GN Exploits Diesel Power, continued

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Page 43 - GN Exploits Diesel Power, continued

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Page 44 - GN Shops Dieselize

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Page 45 - GN Shops Dieselize, continued

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Page 46 - Nason Creek bridge/line change

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Page 47 - GN Betters Its Fixed Plant

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Page 48 - GN Betters Its Fixed Plant

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Page 49 - Great Northern Updates Roadbed

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Page 50 - Great Northern Updates Roadbed, continued

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Page 51 - GN's Modern Steel Express-Way

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Page 52 - GN's Modern Steel Express-Way, continued

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Page 53 - GN's Modern Steel Express-Way, continued

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Page 54 - Train Radio From Wisconsin to Washington

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Page 55 - Train Radio From Wisconsin to Washington, continued

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Page 56 - GN Attacks Terminal Delays

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Page 57 - GN Attacks Terminal Delays, continued

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Page 58 - GN Attacks Terminal Delays, continued

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Page 59 - GN Attacks Terminal Delays, continued

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Page 60 - Bridges Link the Empire

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Page 61 - Bridges Link the Empire, continued

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Page 62 - Bridges Link the Empire, continued
and - GN spruces up its depots

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Page 63 - CTC Steps Up Efficiency

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Page 64 - CTC Steps Up Efficiency, continued

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Page 65 - Efficiency Marks GN Purchasing

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Page 66 - Efficiency Marks GN Purchasing, continued

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Page 67 - GN Meets the Public

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Page 68 - Team Work and Talent...GN Assets

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Page 69 - Team Work and Talent...GN Assets, continued

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Page 70 Piggyback Ad

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Page 71 Piggyback Ad, continued

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Page 72 - Magazine Back Cover - GNR Logo

Return back to PART ONE of The Modern Great Northern