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Montana 2021
Railfanning the old Great Northern
written by Lindsay Korst
Come along as I enjoy a long explore to Montana, catching trains where I find
them. It'll be fun!
Saturday June 19
Redmond to Spokane
I'm out the door at 5:30am and fortified with a quick and dirty McDonald's
breakfast at 6am. Checking with Amtrak, it seems #7, the Empire Builder is not
only on time, but EARLY into Wenatchee. I'm off to Skykomish to catch it there.
At Gold Bar, I notice red over flashing red at the eastward signals. Something
is going to head in there for the Builder, no doubt. But, what?

Turning in at Sky...hey whaddija know? It's Tunnel Days today, so there's lots
of vendors setting up along the street. I park across from the
Cascadia Inn and head down to the
Rocky statue to wait for the passenger.

In the twinkling of an eye (15 minutes), #7's lofty chimes can be heard blowing
for the Main Street crossing. As he rushes past, I bang away as #34, a baggage
car and 4 Superliners trundle by. I wasn't too happy with this view, so I
cheated a bit using a picture of #8's consist that night (courtesy of the
Cascadia Inn railcam). It was the same consist I saw. ;p

I've got around one hour to wait for that mystery EB at Gold Bar, giving me time
to drive around Sky and take pictures of this and that. Fred Black's X-228
caboose still looks great along the Old Cascade Highway. About 20 minutes before
train time, the East Sky signal lights up green for the mainline.

At 8:50, 4 big
GE's come blasting past towing double stacks and trailers with no DPU. It's a Z
train and I give chase. Holy Toledo, look at all the cars on US 2! Lots of
kiddies zooming by in their souped up BMW's, VW's and Hondas. Must be a rally

The first stop is Deception Creek. Meh, the light contrast is a little harsh,
but it'll do.
Back on US 2, I quickly reach Scenic, but the Z has already rolled into the
Cascade Tunnel. Up and over Stevens Pass I go, being continuously passed by hot-rodding
miscreants. There is a continuous smell of burnt oil from the cars. At HMP 75.7,
I head down the access road to Gaynor Trestle. Amazingly, no one is camping
trackside and I have just a few minutes to set up my picture.

Man, the light is making my camera do crazy things. Sorry.
It's a long, bumpy crawl back to the highway and the Z is now way ahead of me.
Traffic is moving pretty good on the downhill and through Tumwater Canyon, when
I reach Leavenworth. Traffic comes to a dead stop. It's about 10:30 and every
single parking place is occupied by a troubled youth with their zoom-zoom cars.
It takes about 10 precious minutes to get through the morass of machines, but
we're finally moving again. My final shot of this Z will be at Richardson's
curve at Monitor.

A leisurely drive up Sleepy Hollow Road and I park at the curve. As I get out of
the Tacoma, I hear a horn. Ai-yo. I JUST got there in time, stumble to
the overlook, and as a result, my pictures are not framed up as well as I
wanted. Apologies.
Coming into Wenatchee about 11:30...another traffic jam. Man, people are out and
about this weekend. Wenatch is a scheduled lunch (Carl's
Jr. - Hi, Carl!) and gas (Exxon) stop, so
I'll probably never catch that Z.

Nonetheless, I head east on good old State Highway 28 through Quincy and past
Ephrata. At the little hamlet of Adrian, I come on a most curious sight. At the
station sign is a string of BNSF tank cars (I think they might be diesel fuel
service cars) AND on the siding is, what appears to be, an entire double stack
container train sans locomotives and FRED (F***ing Rear End Device). Funny why
they stashed it all the way out here.

Turning back onto SR 28, I spy this notch in the hillside. I'm thinking that's a
cut for the old NP branch line that ran through here crossing the GN on a wooden
trestle (long since removed).

At the Stratford sign, there's nifty little UFO cloud in the sky. This guy
appears to have the old original GN - STRATFORD sign that he kind of schmucked
up with a bad paint job. Even Bob Ross
wouldn't approve.

Outside Stratford are these two, possibly GN-era underpass and plate girder

Not much left of the GN in Wilson Creek except this....dusty pink GN caboose
(X280). Some chap added a nice pair of metal GN Ry. logos to its flanks though,
so there's that.

On the road to Krupp, I came upon this absolutely beautiful vista, spread out at
my feet. Had to stop and take pictures, even through no trains were on hand.

What's this? I have reached MARLIN! Apparently that's what the RR calls
it, whereas the locals (and USPS) call it Krupp. Leaving Marlin/Krupp, I spot
Mrs. Turkey Dinner and her brood (tasty nibblets) beside the road. On today's'
voyage, I also spotted a pheasant and perched on a fence post, an enormous hawk.
Couldn't get the camera out in time for either of those.

Coming down the long hill into Odessa, I spot a triangle of light. Train! It's
not moving either. My hoped-for-westbound materializes into a Loram rail
grinding train instead.

Somewhere between Odessa and Mohler, I again stop for a pastoral setting with
Kodachrome sky.

Between Mohler and Harrington, my luck was about to change. Drifting downhill on
the double track comes a lengthy 4 unit freight with just about everything in
the consist. Starting with some Boeing 737 fuselages and parts cars, I see
double stacks, trailers, autoracks and general merchandise freight.

RIGHT on that guy's yellows, comes a second westbound
-- pure autoracks with only a single GE on front and back.

Harrington's got these funky rock signs as you come up Coal Coulee Road into

Just north of the H-burg comes ANOTHER WB and it's a dandy. Just one GE pulling
an empty lumber car and Boeing parts car. Modelers, there is a prototype for

Oh, blessed mother of acceleration, don't fail me now! It's an eastbound
S train (double stack, overseas containers) and I'm catching up to it on the
road between Bluestem and Edwall.

In the lead is BNSF #8530, an EMD SD70ACe and pushing on the rear is BNSF #1042,
a GE C44-9W in original Heritage I paint. Check the circa-1995 nose logo on
From Edwall, I decide to head north to Rearden and the Inland NW Railroad
museum. But...DENIED! Yes, I arrive just as they're closing for the day (Thu-Sun
10-4:30pm). And they've got a genuine GN caboose (X-237), GN SD9 #598 (sister
engine to the one at Sky) and GN/SP&S Sleeper-Buffet-Lounge car "Mount Saint
Helens". Damn. Maybe next time.

But bonus ahead! Bombing east on US 2, I pass under the BNSF mainline. The
bridge STILL has its GN Ry. logo visible! Pretty good for over 50 years
since the merger.

It's getting late and I'm getting tired, but there's still time to visit Western
Rail and their motley assortment of locomotives sent in for rebuild or repair.

Final shot of the day (and it's just a grab shot) is yet another WB crossing the
high bridge over Hangman Creek.
Sunday, June 20
Spokane to Whitefish
Was hoping to hit Jack in the Box for breakfast, but they don't open until 6.
Sigh. Mickey D's again.

It's always a good sign, when you start your day almost immediately following a
This one is a monster grainer with 3 units up front, 2 units mid-train and 1
more GE, gamely pushing on the rear.

I finally overtake him JUST before he turned into the Hauser,
ID gas station to fill up. Apparently all trains to the coast (Portland or
Seattle) get diesel fuel here both coming and going. The view was terribly back
lit, but I could see a wide assortment of trains: Double stacks, autoracks, Z
train (UPS/Fed Ex), grain, coal and general merchandise.
From Hauser, I'm following the tracks as far as BNSF Spirit (named for nearby
Spiritwood Amusement Park), where I can cross over and get on the sunny side.
Ah, much better.

I'm not there long before yet another westbound grain train led by an EMD
SD70ACe with a magnificent, low-pitched 5 chime horn flashes by. Grain hoppers
stretch seemingly beyond the horizon.
Just past Athol is this deep cut I had hoped would make a good shot. Alas,
nothing came by in 45 minutes, so I pressed on.

Bottle Bay Road. The gold standard of train spotting in Sandpoint, Idaho. How'd
YOU like to live in this guy's house with a view like that?
You can see the pilings they are installing for the second bridge. No decks
installed as yet on the pilings, that I can see. Note the "Poseidon" support
barge. I hear they also want to install a second bridge over the Spokane River
near Irwin, but I saw no evidence of construction.

Next stop, the beautifully-restored ex-NP Sandpoint depot. I got a kick out of
the two signs posted on the door:
#1 sign says: "Unmanned Amtrak station WB train departs 11:49pm and EB train
departs 2:30am - Station doors will open 1 hour prior to train time and close
after train departs." Hmmm...must have locks on a timer or something.
#2 sign says: "This station will be temporarily closed, due to problems with the
plumbing. Trains will run as scheduled."
Awfully decent of them to let the trains continue to run.
It will be interesting to see how they manage to squeeze a 2nd Main Track
through there once they complete the 2nd Lake Pend Oreille bridge. It looked
very narrow to me. Cut the platform back maybe?

Okay, heading north (railroad east) along the old GN to one of my favorite
boonie trainspotting places...little Naples, Idaho. The ex-GN depot is still
there and the owner has put a brand new GN-looking sign on the side of it. Nice

The funky ex-US 95 highway bridge provides an esoteric vantage point to watch
trains. Hey, here comes one now!
From Naples I punched north to Bonners Ferry. Not much left of the GN there,
since they tore out the depot, so I'm off on US 2 to Troy, MT.

This ex-GN caboose X-88 resides on the east end of town next to the visitor
center which was modeled after the style of the old depot (now gone).

Lunch stop (Subway) at Libby, MT which still has their old GN depot (it's a stop
for the Empire Builder). While exploring the station, a Z train blasts through
town at 60 mph.

At the turn off for Fisher River Road, I pick up a fist-sized chunk of pink
ballast (around 3"H x 3"W x 4"L, quite possibly from the Essex pit (GN days of
yore). Great Montana souvenir!

At Wolf Creek, there is this huge cut -- but again, no trains to go with it.
I'm now traveling on U.S. Forest Service Road #36 - the roughest paved road in
the entire USFS system. Mile after mile of white-knuckle driving, trying to miss
some of the largest potholes you've ever seen in your life. To add to the low
fun zone, the tracks are not visible for most of the way. Finally, I reach the
second-longest railroad tunnel in the United States.

Hurrah! The access road gate is open and no one is around (it being Sunday).
Flathead Tunnel 1970. Apparently, Erica has been here too. I risk certain
capture, imprisonment and security camera footage to get a quick photo of the
west portal. Oh, I'm so naughty...
Up and over Elk Mountain I slowly trundle, getting bruised and battered by the
wretched pavement. It's a wonder I didn't get a flat.

Finally, I reach the east portal of the tunnel. I like the two jet engines for
fanning out the diesel fumes. Those look like a couple of torpedo tits, ready to
fire, Captain!
Now rolling downhill, I THINK I saw a headlight. Probably wishful thinking on my
part. But no, it's a real live train. The first one I've seen in 2 hours.

On its hands and knees, comes yet one more grain train with two engines point,
and two DPU blasting uphill towards the summit.
Finally, after getting bashed around for 3 hours, I get back onto the smooth,
70-mph two lane of US 93 and punch for Whitefish. I had planned to come back
this way Tuesday on my way home, but no way I'll go through that again. I'm
taking US 2 via Kalispell directly to Libby.
Anyways, Whitefish. I fill up the tank with gas, scrub most of the bugs off my
windshield, and check into the Firebrand
Hotel, just 3 or 4 blocks from the train depot. After hauling my bags
upstairs to Room 211, I'm off to the
Tupelo Grille for supper. And WHAT a supper. It's New Orleans food and I
have Gumbo, Jambalaya, Catfish, you name it. All washed down with a glass of
water and a simply marvelous pair of Old Fashioneds. Might have to eat here
tomorrow night.

After chewings, I waddle down the street and get my pictures of GN #181 (an EMD
NW-3 switcher), the "Bruck" and, of course, Whitefish depot. Even Rocky is on
hand to greet passengers at the platform.
Whew, I'm exhausted. Turning in early -- got a big day ahead tomorrow.
Monday, June 21
Whitefish to East Glacier and back
Today's plan is to follow the eastbound Empire Builder (#8) from Whitefish to
East Glacier.
Most Whitefish breakfast places don't seem to open until 7am for breakfast
(including my hotel), so I'm off to McDonald's AGAIN. My notes show the Builder
has a 20 minute stop from 7:21 to 7:41.

I'm at WFH depot 7-ish and #8 is EARLY. I bang off a few shots of the train
arriving (that's the new engineer walking the platform).

Before the Builder departs, I'm off to my first stop -- the bridge at Coram. The
foliage in this spot has really grown up since my last visit and I can barely
get a picture of the train.

Roaring along US 2, I briefly stop at Great Northern Rafting for a picture of
their GN X-220 caboose. Consequently, by the time I reach the West Glacier
(Belton) depot, #8 has departed. I take off in pursuit along the Flathead River.
Hmmm...where is #8? It's a long drive past Essex to Sheep Creek trestle. He's
due into ESX at 8:50, so I wait until 9:10 before heading up the hill (must have
missed him somehow). I can HEAR him on the scanner (total axles, four four...).

At Summit (Marias), I see a green signal. Hallelujah! Sure as shooting, here he
comes around the curve and passes before me in the classic mountain vista.
I bomb down the hill towards East Glacier and overtake him (there's lots of
trackwork going on and slow orders, which helps).

I skid to a stop and with just seconds to spare, nail a beautiful picture with
Mr. Horsey flipping his tail against the flies. Did I mention the mosquitoes
were eating me alive every time I got out of the truck?

Another picture of #8 crossing Midvale Creek bridge just B4 the depot.

Finally, for the piece de resistance, The famous Two Medicine River bridge
complete with the red barn. I'm got Amtrak's Empire Builder knocked!

Hype over, I pass under the colorful bridge and check out the Glacier Park
depot. Whoa! There's now a green signal for a westbound! Kick! Something to
follow back to Essex.

At Bison Siding, the loaded grain train comes slowly trundling up the track,
finally stopping. What's this? An eastbound double stack (it's an S train -
overseas containers), BUT the grainer is blocking my view. Que sera sera.
I'm digging on the trains having a meet in front of me, when this white car
pulls up. Crunch, crunch, crunch, I hear his footsteps in the gravel.
Oh, bother... The green, neon
"Sucker" on my forehead must be illuminated again.
"Hello" he says. "Hi" I reply. "Say, do you know where the
Firebrand is around here?" I pointed in the direction of East Glacier saying I
had seen a billboard about Firebrand-something back there (I had). Then he wants
to argue with me. I guess he didn't notice my out-of-state plates and camera
(tourist me).
Angrily, he says, "My guidebook says it's supposed to be between HMP 204.6 and
205.3 and I can't find it". Like it's MY fault. I threw up my hands and said, "I
don't know what to tell you, then." After muttering a few oaths and
under his breath, he eventually turned around and went back to his car. Wherever
I go, these people find me.
I researched later and found out it's a restaurant in East Glacier that closed
in 2019 AND a popular nearby hiking trail.

Once free of the galloping goober, I score a few more pictures of the grain
train and the S passing each other.

Shortly thereafter, I'm back at Summit (Marias) as he eases into dynamic braking
for the long slog down the mountain. Question: How did they manage to put a
really crappy-looking freight car right next to the engines, hmmm? Ruins an
otherwise perfect picture. I hate graffiti assholes.
It's getting on towards lunch time, so I decide to bag it and head to the
Izaak Walton Inn for lunch.
Had a salad and bison burger for lunch with an absolutely divine huckleberry pie
ala mode for dessert. Didn't take a picture of my meal, because I was having so
much fun snagging train pictures, right from my trackside seat.

First train was my westbound grainer with 2 units front and rear.

Second train was BNSF 7889. He was moving equipment up and down the track,
seemingly at random.

Third train was a westbound S train with 2 units up front and no DPU on the

Fourth train was 7889 again towing these two, very cool, snow dozers -- back and
Mmmm....lunch was good! Waiter forgot to put the Huck Pie on my bill, so
I gave him an extravagant tip. Time to walk it off, let's just amble over the
pedestrian crossing and go caboose spotting!

Overlooking the tracks are four cabeese: X-97 "Red Caboose" labeled for GN Ry.;
X-98 "Green Caboose" labeled for BN Railroad; X-99 "Blue Caboose" labeled for
Montana Rail Link; and finally, CB&Q #14602 labeled for Burlington Route.

Walking back down, I get some snaps of the Izaak Walton & GN #441 (ex-Santa Fe)
F45 in Big Sky Blue done up as your very own luxury cabin. I would have loved to
stay at the I.W.I. this trip, but they were sold out.

Just behind the Inn is GN Ry. X-97 (yes, the second X-97), but a picture
of the car frame shows this to be BN caboose #12041.

Hey, HEY! Behind the second X-97, are two more caboose I've never seen
before. Interloper Northern Pacific Railway #1506 is a bay window caboose,
whilst GN #215 has a more conventional cupola, with both set up for overnight

A quick drive around the area roads, revealed two more caboose. Out front, where
you turn in off of US 2, is GN #314 and back around on Parma Road, is GN X-66
which apparently had its own website (caboose66.com sign nailed to a nearby
tree) at one point. The website no longer works. A quick search on the Wayback
Machine found nothing, either.
That's a total of 9 old time waycars, cabs, cabin cars, you name it, in the
Essex area. A caboose-rich environment, fer sure!

Heavens to Murgatroid! Another set of locomotives comes up from the west
end of the yard. One of them is a "STICKERS" BNSF 25th Anniversary locomotive
#5828. The first stickers engine I've managed to digitize (I don't get out
much). Schweet!
I'm just guessing here, but I'm wondering if BNSF was having an engineer /
conductor / trainman "school" at Essex? A nice, quiet yard with a safe location
to practice the basics of how to operate locomotives and switch cars. Whaddiya
It's about 2-ish and time to head up to Summit to take a few more pictures and
hopefully pick up a train to follow back to Whitefish.

I'm almost to the summit when I capture this fellow coming down the hill. Looks
like a Warbonnet BNSF as the 2nd unit.

At Summit, I get grab shots of the ex-GN Summit Depot (which looks closed), the
BNSF Continental Divide sign and the C.D. obelisk (that's the John F. Stevens
statue peaking through the trees on the left).

Flying down US 2 past Essex, I finally catch up to the autoracks of the
westbound. I stop briefly to get a good shot of
Saint Nicholas Mountain in
afternoon light (Hi, Ben!).

Back in the Tacoma, I continue on to Tunnel 3.8 for the final train shot of the
day. Note the rafters in the blue-green waters of the Flathead.

Last picture: a grab shot of the former Columbia Falls GN depot, now a knick
knack store.
Tuesday, June 22nd
Whitefish to Spokane
After Sunday's shattering experience driving FS #36, I decided on a smoother
course. This time I would travel Whitefish to Libby on good old, US 2, the main
highway, but lacking any train tracks. No matter.
Another beautiful day dawned in the Flathead Valley as I zoomed south on US 93
to Kalispell. About 10 minutes into my drive, I spotted a couple hot air
balloons in the distance. I said to myself..."Self, that red, white and blue
one, looks the Re-Max balloon from all those real estate commercials."

Turns out, it WAS the Re-Max hot air balloon soaring high above. Most
appropriate as Kalispell and Whitefish have some of the hottest real estate
markets in the country right now.
Breakfast in Kalispell was at (drum roll, please),
Chick-Fil-A! The staff seemed a bit
discombobulated, but the food eventually came out and was delish. Chicken for
breakfast, yeah, you betcha!
The drive from Kalispell to Libby was absolutely gorgeous. With the sun at my
back, the mountains and lakes along the way were sublime. I must have spotted at
least two dozen young deer along the roadside, with only one close call as two
dashed across the road in front of me.
I stopped at Libby depot (ex-Great Northern), "read the signals" and listened to
my scanner. Red changed to Yellow, then to Green and I heard the dispatcher tell
the local trackwork guys that "Two Westbounds and one Eastbound" were coming.
Schweet. Two trains to follow to Spokane.

At the west switch of Libby, the first westbound materialized into a loaded oil
train with BNSF & CN power front and back.
I overtook the oil train and watched him pass an eastbound "S" train (overseas
containers). I intended to catch him once more at Troy, but couldn't find a
suitable spot. Oh well. From Troy, the highway crosses the Kootenai River and
stays far away from the tracks all the way to Bonners Ferry.

In the back of my mind, I had a spot picked out about 3 miles east of Naples. At
this location, the railroad pops out of a tunnel and crosses a short trestle
over Deep Creek. I had never captured a train here and the light was good.
(Update: This is Deep Creek Tunnel #10.2, just 479' long at RMP 1376.2.)

About 15 minutes after reaching the location, I heard a rumble. YES! BNSF
#6811 and CN #3862 came roaring by with their endless string of oil cans. I
hopped in the Tacoma and calmly drove (far above prudent speed limits) to the
bridge at Naples. Made it!

In this truly international effort, petroleum rolls west powered by BNSF #6811 /
CN #3862 + CN #2341 / BNSF #5756.

The WB oil has no sooner rounded the corner when I heard another rumble. This
turned out to be a Union Pacific westbound (grain train) led by CP #9732 and UP
#4205 (hot damn, an EMD SD70M!) with CP #9637 pushing. The UP tracks are
level with the old highway bridge and about 20 steps to the right. The light was
bad, but the pictures came out OK.
This is another first for me as I've never captured a CP/UP train along this
route (Sandpoint, ID to Kingsgate, BC) on the old

Once Uncle Pete went by, I noticed that the signal on the BNSF stayed
red, then displayed yellow and then changed to flashing yellow.
Hot diggity dog, here comes the second WB --
also a grain train led by GE-built BNSF #7975. That was 3 trains on 2 railroads
in 30 minutes. When it rains, it pours.
I took off after the grainer as BNSF stays close to the highway much of the way
back to Sandpoint. He was going slow because he was riding on the oil train's

Waiting in the pass at Elmira was an EB stack train (more overseas containers),
so I crossed over to the sunny side at the crossing and got my meet pictures.
The S train had my favorite current model of locomotive, an EMD SD70ACe "Ace" on
the point, along with a generic BNSF GE, and visiting from Norfolk Southern
Railroad, SD70ACe #1020.

At Colburn, my WB Grainer had a solid yellow over solid yellow and held the main
track again. This time, the opposing EB was a grain train or more specifically
an empty grain train going back for more oats. Yet another GE-born, BNSF #3784.
Two consecutive meets? Funnel Hype! This is all too exciting. I must go have
lunch. After a burger and iced tea, I was once more heading west (geographically
south) from Sandpoint to Spokane.

Unbelievably, I once more caught the BNSF #7975 grain train and TRIED to get a
picture with Lake Cocolala in the background -- but I wasn't quick enough. About
200 feet north of where I took this picture is a great shot -- Ya can't win 'em

Around Athol, ID, I took side roads and found the boonie spot where the UP
crosses under the old NP, now BNSF tracks. It's on Old U.S. Hwy 95 just south of
Athol (railroad west).
Coming back towards the Washington-Idaho State line, I was WAY ahead of
schedule, so decided to explore some things I was curious about. Taking side
roads, I explored the side of Hauser Yard (BNSF's big gas station, remember?)
opposite Hwy 53. Uh...there's nothing to see. Basically they planted an entire
forest of pine trees and bulldozed up a huge berm -- probably by design, to hide
it from view. It didn't take long to realize the best view is from Hwy 53 in
late afternoon or evening, when the light has worked around. Morning shots on
this side are impossible.

Just past Hauser and crossing into Washington, I discovered this old passenger
car labeled, "Spokane's finest depot restaurant - Scarlet Lady". I had never
noticed it before, probably because when I drive on Trent Rd., I'm always
looking towards the tracks.
Also discovered the old GN Hillyard depot formerly located along the highway is
gone. They're building a new overpass and the old building probably got
demolished in the process.

Reaching Spokane's Yardley Yard, I spot another stickers --- caboose! HAD to
turn around and get a picture of that item (BN # 10553). Freshly outshopped.

At Havana Street, wound around the BNSF yard office (it's a public street) and
spotted the City of Spokane observation car #1196!! This is the former GN #1196
"Port of Vancouver" orginally used on the "Internationals" between Seattle and
Vancouver BC.

Keeping it company were an unlabeled (possibly GN?) two door baggage car and UP
heavyweight (six axle trucks) coach #516.
Still too early to check in, so I wander around the hillside just across Hangman
Creek where the GN/BNSF line climbs out of Spokane.

Two items of note were an original GN grade abutment from 1926 (originally
visited during the 2016 GNRHS convention) AND the Great Northern Elementary
School from 1894!
OK, I've run out of gas. Time to call it quits, go have dinner (a blizzard from
Dairy Queen) and type up my notes. Tomorrow: The voyage home along the old Great
Wednesday, June 23
Spokane to Redmond
Westward, Ho! On the final leg of my railfanning odyssey, I would try to visit
all the places I didn't have time for on the way east.
First is a magnificent breakfast at
Frank's Diner. I sat at the counter like in
the days of yore (pre-Chinese death virus) and the place was PACKED. Early on a
Wednesday morning. No masks, HA!

I set off about 7am. Remember that bridge picture on U.S. 2 from Saturday with
the GN Logo mostly visible? Well, the OTHER side has a GN Logo too. Pretty
impressive that it has lasted this long (at least 50 years).
From Spokane to about Harrington, it is very time-consuming to follow the old GN
as the railroad cuts diagonally (NE to SW) across the state. In a nutshell, the
roads use two sides of a triangle, whilst the railroad only uses one.

It turns out, there's not much to see except wheat. Lots and lots of wheat. I
capture pictures of the old station signs at Espanola and Waukon. Between here
and Odessa I had TWO scrawny coyotes dash across the road in front of me.

At Edwall, I get a better picture of the station sign and discover the Loram
rail-grinding train has moved up from Odessa where I saw it on Saturday.

Canby has a wonderful high bridge. I stop and take a picture under
less-stressful conditions (I was chasing after a stack train through here on

South (west) of Harrington, I catch the first train of the day. It's a Z moving
at a good clip uphill on the double track.

Downs has a small grain elevator and a truck scale (not shown). Hey, Old Blue
weighs 4,920 pounds! Another, much appreciated feature of Downs, WA, is this
chamber of relief where yours truly partakes of his SECOND morning

Next stop, Lamona. I hit the jackpot with another Z train, this time heading
westward. He was moving so fast, I never did catch him until Wenatchee. Fed Ex
as far as the eye can see!
Update 7-3-2021: It's a
small world. It turns out my good friends Scott and Jan Tanner were out
railfanning and took pictures of some of the same trains I did, including the
above Z. You can read about their trip at the following link:

Irby!! Not much going on here, but it's a beautiful setting with lava cliffs on
both sides of the track. Those little squares of light green paint, mean that
tie will be replaced shortly. It's about a 3 mile drive in from Highway 28.
It's getting on towards noon, time for some "down on" shots. What better place
for that, than the fabled horseshoe curve at Trinidad? Green signal! Eastbound
coming! It's a sizzling 90 degrees and getting hotter, but I have my sun hat,
plenty of water, and camera. I slowly trudge up the hillside for the classic shot.

Just a 25 minute wait and here comes an eastbound S train (overseas containers)
plodding up Lynch Coulee at a steady 10 mph or so.

Four big GE's on the point (with a friendly wave from Mister Conductor) slog

I even get a shot of Old Blue when a single stack comes by. Finally here comes
the DPU, BNSF #7139 and the best pictures of the day are in the can.
Next stop, Wenatchee for lunch and gasoline. I can hear on the scanner that my Z
from Lamona (m-m-m-my, Lamona....) has been re-crewed and is heading out of
town. Too early for me to head home, though.
Fed and watered, I visit Appleyard and notice two westbounds, BOTH with Freds
(f***ing rear end device) on yard tracks. One is an S and the other is a Q
(guaranteed service -- a notch below Z status). Perhaps one of those puppies
will head west giving me something to chase home!

As I'm leaving Wenatchee (it's 99 degrees now), I hear on the scanner of an
eastbound coming into town. At the crossing with the Franz Bakery Outlet (and
their colorful yellow delivery trucks) I set up for a grab shot. Nice, clean GE
on the point with an exotic Ferromex "ACE" trailing on an empty coal train.
Next stop is the Wenatchee River Bridge at Plain, WA. I'm here a little over an
hour so the sun has worked its way over to the other side of the bridge.

Horn! It's an eastbound empty oiler and just for yuks, I'll display these
pictures backwards so I can pretend it's going the other way (all hail the DPU
Off to another favorite spot of mine, White Pines Road near Merritt. I spend
about 45 minutes here, however nothing rolls by but a Hi-Rail truck. Finally, I
lose the light (now all in shade), so it's on to Skykomish for my final trip
pictures of #8, the Empire Builder.

But first, a quick stop at Scenic to visit the X-294 caboose. Sadly, X-294's
paint job is a victim of harsh winter weather and graffiti assholes.

At Sky, the old depot is looking good in the setting sun. Right on time
(approximately 6:33pm) comes the Builder, struting eastward as the sun glints
off her flanks.
This concludes my write up of 2021 Montana, a round trip of nearly 1,500 miles.
The weather cooperated and I had a blast. Thanks for reading! LIN-Z
Epilogue: Wow, the Spokane - Sandpoint Funnel was really hopping this trip.
There's definitely a grain rush on, and those Z trains are as hard to keep up
with as ever. I just might have to do this trip again some day!