Special Instructions - Page 12 7.....Between Appleyard and Wenatchee, eastward First Subdivision freight trains will use main track, westward freight trains will use lead track entering main track at crossover just west of passenger station, Wenatchee, or Olds crossover, unless otherwise instructed by Yardmaster. 8.....Appleyard, Yard lead switch and crossovers main track to yard lead are located as follows: #1 switch designating the east lead - 200 ft. west of Br. 361. #2 crossover switch - 100 feet west of MP 1647. #3 crossover switch - at culvert 1647.60. Wenatchee: #1 crossover, one mile east of depot. #2 crossover, 800 ft. east of depot. #3 crossover, 670 ft. west of depot. #4 crossover, 685 ft. west of depot. #5 crossover, Fifth St., one mile west of depot. Olds crossover, 3 miles west of depot. Crossovers 1, 2 and 4 are trailing point, and 3, 5 and Olds are facing point for eastward trains. 9.....Wenatchee, westward trains moving from W-O Line lead to First Subdivision and required to wait for westward trains on First Subdivision shall stop east of sign reading "Wait Here". For further details and push button operation see instructions posted in iron box locked with switch lock. 10.....Between Appleyard and Skykomish where helper engines are cut in copies of train orders must be furnished helper engines. 11.....Cashmere and Snohomish, crossing signals are equipped with switch-key controllers. Trains or engines within circuit may clear signals for highway traffic by inserting switch key in controller and turn to right. Crossing signals must be restored to normal operating condition before leaving. 12.....Winton, Berne, Scenic, electric knife switches located in depot provide manual control of signals at these locations so that signals can be set to display Stop-indication in case any defect is discovered while trains are passing depots. Trains stopped by any of these three signals will not proceed until instructed by trainmen to do so. Knife switches are connected to westward automatic block signal at west switch, Scenic and Winton, and to eastward automatic block signal at east switch, Berne. Berne, two rail clamps have been placed in depot for emergency use. When necessary to set out bad order car on siding at Berne, train crew must get clamps from depot and see they are properly secured and blocked to rail on east end of car. Crew that picks up bad order car see clamps are removed and replaced in depot. 13.....Cascade tunnel, track between Berne and Scenic is controlled by positive block in both directions. When stopped by a Stop-indication at automatic block signal located near entrance to tunnel, train must not proceed unless authorized by train order to do so. In case of loss of power or other emergency, a train in the tunnel may make a forward or backward movement to Scenic or Berne without flag protection and may pass signals indicating Stop and proceed at restricted speed without stopping. Westward trains encountering Signal 1707.9 inside west portal displaying Stop-indication must not pass west portal until it is known track is clear to east switch Scenic. 14.....Scenic, water tank 3 miles west. 15.....Skykomish, unless otherwise directed, extension on east end of siding for use only by eastward trains and in no case will train or cars be left on this extension without engine coupled and air brakes operative. 16.....Baring, water tank 1.26 miles west. 17.....Between NP Jct. and Delta (freight yard) 3.26 miles west, trains and engines will be governed by NP Ry time-table and Special Instructions. 18.....Interbay, main track is a single track between 700 ft. east of NP Ry crossing and 4000 ft. west of bridge 4, Ballard. Each end of this single track is equipped with a spring switch, normal position is for trains entering double track. When an eastward movement is to be made from yard lead to main track, trainmen shall operate push button "R" at signal 4.8. If no conflicting movement is being made on main track and spring switch is in proper operating condition, signal 4.8 will indicate proceed after a time interval of three minutes. After push button "R" is operated a white light will be displayed if operation is effective. If push button "R" is operated and the intended movement is not made, or main track switch is not lined, push button "N" must be operated to restore signal system to normal condition to avoid delays to trains on main track. Push button "N" must never be operated, after push button "R" if the intended movement is to be made. Westward freight trains will enter yard at the connection from westward main track at east end of yard unless otherwise instructed by yardmaster. Trains or engines must stop east of signal 5.3 and not proceed until trainmen have lined switch to enter yard. 19.....SEATTLE, KING STREET PASSENGER STATION TUNNEL RULES. 1...King Street Passenger Station Tunnel Rules shall consist of Great Northern Interlocking Rules as set forth in the Consolidated Code of Operating Rules and General Instructions, supplemented by the following special instructions, and will govern train and engine movements between North Portal and South Portal. 2...A positive block is maintained in both directions between these stations. Trains and engines may make a forward or backward movement within these limits without flag protection, observing governing signal indications. 3...No train or engine will make a complete through movement between North Portal and South Portal against the current of traffic, or pass the governing home signal at the immediate entrance to the tunnel on either track displaying a "Stop" indication, except on the authority of a "Tunnel Card" properly completed by signalman in charge and OK'd by the Signalman at opposite station. When this governing home signal indicates "Stop", trains and engines, after stopping, must proceed at restricted speed to the next signal and be governed by its indication. 4...Tunnel Cards shall be used as required: Form 26 for train and engine movements from North Portal to South Portal, and Form 26-A for train and engine movements from South Portal to North Portal. 5..."Tunnel Card" does not dispense with the observance of or compliance with the indications of southward home signals at the South end of the tunnel governing entrance to the South Portal Interlocking or the northward home signals governing entrance to the North Portal Interlocking. 6...At South Portal, trains and engines may enter the tunnel on either track for short switching movements if required. If the governing home signal at the immediate entrance to the tunnel displays a Stop-indication, a Tunnel Card must first be secured, as prescribed by Rule 3. 7...Interlocking signal located at the north entrance of the tunnel, controlled from South Portal, and governing southward train and engine movements on the Southward track, displays indications in accordance with Great Northern Rules 601-A, 601-C and 601-D. Green over Red (Rule 601-C) displayed indicates route through South Portal Interlocking to southward main track (Tunnel track 4) properly lined. Red over Yellow (Rule 601-D) displayed indicates diverging route through South Portal Interlocking properly lined. These indications repeat the indications of the dwarf signal of color light type located at the south exit of the tunnel, governing southward train and engine movements to Southward main track (Tunnel track 4) and other tracks of King Street Passenger Station. Emergencies may arise which may cause a change in the indications of this dwarf signal after southward train or engine has entered the tunnel and enginemen and trainmen must be on the alert to observe such change which will be indicated by the display of a yellow light at the special approach signal located in the tunnel about 1200 feet from the south exit. |