![]() Ask the GREAT NORTHERN man... In forty-six cities in the United States and Canada the Great Northern Railway maintains travel headquarters where any information regarding fares and tours to or stopovers at any point in the West may be obtained for the asking. Complete details regarding trips south along the Pacific Coast to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego, may be arranged. There is direct connection with the steamer lines to all major ports of call in Alaska. The western terminal of the Great Northern is a departure point to Hawaii, the Philippines, the Orient, and Panama Canal. The eastern terminal at Chicago serves as a starting point of any journey to the Atlantic Coast, south into the Mississippi Valley or any destination in the eastern half of the United States. Bellingham, Wash.-212 Kulshan Bldg., 1324 Cornwall Ave. Billings, Mont.-311 Electric Bldg. Boston, Mass.-Shop 3, Little Bldg., 80 Boylston St. Bremerton, Wash.-228 First Street. Butte, Mont.-513 Metals Bank Bldg. Chicago, III.-212 So. Clark St. Cincinnati, O.-608 Traction Bldg. Cleveland, O.-508 Hippodrome Bldg. Dallas, Tex.-1004 Southwestern Life Bldg. Des Moines, Ia.-305 Equitable Bldg. Detroit, Mich.-Main Floor Lobby, Transportation Bldg. Duluth, Minn.-424 W. Superior St. Everett, Wash.-Great Northern Station. Fargo, N. D.-702 Black Bldg. Grand Forks, N. D.-Great Northern Station. Great Falls, Mont.-802 First National Bank Bldg. Helena, Mont.-Placer Hotel Bldg. Kansas City, Mo.-544 Railway Exchange Bldg. Klamath Falls, Ore.-Great Northern Station. Los Angeles, Calif.-605 Central Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis.-502 Majestic Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn.-640 Marquette Ave. Minot, N. D.-Great Northern Station. Nelson, B. C.-321 Baker St. New York, N. Y.-595-5th Ave. at 48th Street. Oakland, Calif.-620 Central Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb.-1421 First National Bank Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa.-504 Finance Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa.-602 H. W. Oliver Bldg. Portland, Ore.-201 Morgan Bldg. Sacramento, Calif.-225 Forum Bldg. St. Louis, Mo.-520 Boatmen's Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Minn.-4th & Minnesota Sts. San Francisco, Calif.-679 Market Street. Seattle, Wash.-1400-4th Ave. Sioux City, Ia.-403 Commerce Bldg. Sioux Falls, S. D.-Great Northern Station. Spokane, Wash.-Davenport Hotel. Superior, Wis.-Union Station. Tacoma, Wash.-116 South 9th Street. Toronto, Ont.-507 Royal Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B. C.-683 Granville Street. Vancouver, Wash.-Great Northern Station. Victoria, B. C.-916 Government Street. Wenatchee, Wash.-203 Wenatchee Savings & Loan Bank. Winnipeg, Man.-414 Main Street. If you are unable or if it is inconvenient to call at a Great Northern office, write to: C. W. Meldrum Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent Seattle, Wash. A. J. Dickinson Passenger Traffic Mgr. St. Paul, Minn. 5063 PRINTED IN U.S.A. M-30-35 |