The following ten postcards I received from Chuck
Dayley, a former Great Northern Railway telegrapher and station agent.
These cards were distributed by the GN as promotional items to attract ridership
on their passenger trains. On the envelope the postcards came in are the words,
"Blackfeet Indians of Glacier National Park - In the Montana Rockies -
Served by Great Northern Railway". Each postcard is stamped with
"(c) Great Northern Railway" and the artist's name, Winold Reiss.
I scanned these cards at twice their actual size to enhance
the color and detail.
These are fairly large .jpg files (200k) and may take a while to download
(especially if you're on a dial-up connection). Click on the
thumbnailed picture to view the postcard of your choice. Below each
graphic is the description from the back of each postcard.

ANGRY BULL (Turtle) - famed throughout the Blackfeet Nation as
a mighty hunter. He was also a skilled dancer and throughout his long years took
a prominent part in the religious and ceremonial life of his people. The
Blackfeet Indian Reservation adjoins Glacier National Park in the Montana
Rockies, on the East, served by Great Northern Railway.

MIDDLE RIDER - Blackfeet Indian Brave also known as "No
Chief" is representative of the younger conservative full-bloods on the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation which adjoins Glacier National Park in the Montana
Rockies on the East, served by Great Northern Railway.

TOM DAWSON - Mountain Man. Adventurer and explorer who lived
for more than fifty years in the region of Glacier National Park in the Montana
Rockies and the Blackfeet Indian Reservation which adjoins the Park on the East,
served by Great Northern Railway.

CLEARS UP - Stalwart Blackfeet Indian Brave - who during his
lifetime was one of the most picturesque figures at all tribal ceremonies and
festivals. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation adjoins Glacier National Park in the
Montana Rockies, on the East, served by Great Northern Railway

LAZY BOY - Blackfeet Indian Medicine Man - noted for his
daring as a warrior and big game hunter. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation
adjoins Glacier National Park in the Montana Rockies, on the East, served by
Great Northern Railway.

WADES-IN-THE-WATER - Blackfeet Indian Chieftain. A leader in
his tribal councils who throughout his life maintained an active interest in the
old Blackfeet ceremonials. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation adjoins Glacier
National Park in the Montana Rockies, on the East, served by Great Northern

JULIA-WADES-IN-THE-WATER - Blackfeet Indian Woman, wife of
Chief Wades-In-The-Water, represented Blackfeet Indian aristocracy during her
lifetime. She was an expert in Blackfeet artcraft and active in the affairs of
her people. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation adjoins Glacier National Park in
the Montana Rockies, on the East, served by Great Northern Railway.

SUNDANCE - Blackfeet Indian Chief. A wise and honored
"Old One" who travelled the trail of years from exciting buffalo hunts
to peaceful industrious ranch life. The Blackfeet Indian Reservation adjoins
Glacier National Park in the Montana Rockies, on the East, served by Great
Northern Railway.

THE SIGN TALKERS - Blackfeet Indian Chieftains. Old Medicine
Man "No Runner" and his fellow tribesman "Hair Coat," in
ceremonial paint and head-dress converse in sign language. The Blackfeet Indian
Reservation adjoins Glacier National Park in the Montana Rockies, on the East,
served by Great Northern Railway.

MOUNTAIN FLOWER - Blackfeet Indian Maiden - a symbol of her
generation. While her customs bespeak the white man's culture she is a primitive
modern, for her ways are those of her ancestors. The Blackfeet Indian
Reservation adjoins Glacier National Park in the Montana Rockies, on the East,
served by Great Northern Railway.
