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Wednesday, May 24, 2023
"Kingman, Barstow, San Bernardino"...
Kingman, Arizona to San Berdoo, California
Yep, just like Bobby Troup
sang it, those are the 3 big towns we hit on today's voyage. The room was much
nicer at this Super 8 (compared to Joplin), but there's hardly any breakfast to
speak off (juice and muffins). It will have to do, 'cos my brother, he not a big
eater... ;p Mark grabs a couple extra muffins for the wild donkeys we're hoping
to see later today.
Just leaving town, Mark pulls over to check out a spot -- and I haven't quite
figured out why.

I get out of the car and TRAIN! Yes, a nice 5 unit eastbound with a pony
(Norfolk Southern) and BNSF in Warbonnet roll past. Seconds later, a rumble and
a six axle quartet approaches westbound. MEET SHOT! Hell, Mark this is a GREAT
place you picked to pull over!
Oh. You wanted the car framed in that huge Route 66 sign? And you're waiting
patiently? Well, Okay -- I didn't see that over there. Might make an
interesting conversation topic at that...
Right. 28 miles to Oatman, our next port of call for some
donkey hype.

Rolling fast out of Kingman, we catch up to the Distributed Power Unit (DPU)
pushing on the rear of that westbound. Soon, we're on the road to Oatman,
passing the Cool Springs gas station and gift shop. This has got to be the
twistiest section of old Route 66 with a firm 20 mph speed limit. Mark took that
as a personal insult and doubled that speed with just a flare of his nostril.

Already? Why, there must be HUNDREDS of them out there. When do we see 'em,
Mark? Huh? Huh? (this is your unwashed, little brother speaking); Hairpin turn

Reaching the top, it's a long ways down the hill; It's not authentic without
those bullet holes, I tell you; Our road far below. Great morning drive!
Oatman! We are here! Hmm.. this sign should tell us about the place; I see the
residents have a sense of humor; A roadside attraction with No Parking. Well
that's...not entirely helpful.

Oh for heaven's sake. There's all those pesky burros! If I
hadn't seen all the droppings, I wouldn't have believed Mark's stories about the
place. We simply arrived too early in the day. Okay, back on the road. Got a
major desert to cross before lunch. And I want my lunch.

Coming into Topock, Arizona, there's a beautifully-preserved Santa Fe Railway
sign and logos; Crossing the Colorado River into Cali.; Welcome to California!;
We've got the wrecks!; And the expensive gasoline!

Crossing the Mojave Desert we see a whole lotta nothin'...; But looks like BNSF
is triple-tracking the old Santa Fe mainline into Needles, CA.; Train after
train after train;
What's a Joshua Tree?; I think well short of Ludlow, Mark called, "Uncle"
and got back on I-40 to punch for our Barstow lunch stop. A man's gotta know his

In-N-Out burgers, Baby, Yeah!! Nothing
hits the spot like a Double Double with onions. Our first, solid meal in 24

Mastication complete. Let's do signs. Somebody from Ford must have bribed the
City of Barstow cause all 3 of the welcome cairns we see have Ford products atop

Now in use as a museum, the former Harvey House "Casa Del Desierto" still looks
great in the sunshine. A couple of historic locomotives out back are EMD FP45
#95 in Warbonnet dress and "The

Atop Cajon Pass and BNSF's triple-track -- all I manage to see is a power move
of about a dozen locomotives. C'est la guerre. Enough with the trains. It's been
a long day. Time to go check in.

The fabulous WigWam Motel in San
Bernardino (Rialto) awaits! Recently restored to her past glory, this was a
wonderful spot to cap off our long road trip from the Midwest. The number one
complaint of guests is that the interior ceiling does not go all the way to the
top, but instead is drywalled off about 9 feet up. That's just nit picking
though. Very nice accoutrements inside, comfortable bed, and I slept like a
tired log. 5 stars.
Tomorrow: Santa Monica Pier and the end of our journey.
