SI_Page_18 ![]() ...all steam conduits. The other 50 ft. hose has both ends equipped with Vapor No. 312 steam coupler. Fastened to base of reel is an extra combination Vapor No. 312 steam coupler, which can be attached to hose with steam dome connection and in case of steam line failure on a car both hose can be used to run around such car so can be taken to first terminal, but car to be drained before proceeding. 21.....Unless otherwise provided, when passenger trains are operated against the current of traffic on double track or through sidings, conductors shall notify Railway Postal Clerks, trains shall stop at points where U. S. Mail is usually picked up and conductors are responsible for delivery of mail to postal car. 22.....Conductors will report by wire all flat spots on wheels of passenger cars. Any cars having flat spots on wheels of more than two and one-half inches long must be set out. 23.....Pullman Troop Sleepers and Pullman Troop Kitchen cars have two separate sets of brake equipment cylinders. When necessary to release air brakes both of these cylinders must be bled off to avoid slid flat wheels. 24.....Conductors will see that multiple sheet metal protectors are returned to equipment box on baggage cars when extra journal bearings are used. 25.....Where journal boxes on passenger cars are equipped with spring packing retainers and it becomes necessary to repack or rebrass journal, trainmen will see packing retainer is put back in place. 26.....When necessary to set out equipment due to hot journal, be sure that all traces of fire are extinguished, and journal box properly marked. 27.....Telephones located in booths and freight houses must have switch cut out after using, and must be kept secured by lock except when being used. 28.....Conditions make it necessary to handle in trains and in switching movements certain equipment of extreme height and width and all employes are warned to keep off top of these cars when moving and also such standing cars in electrified zone, except in case of emergency as height of cars is such that man standing on top of cars will not have proper overhead clearance at many tunnels and structures. Train engine and yard men are cautioned to be on the lookout for such equipment and in absence of previous advice, wire proper officer for instructions. 29.....The contract with the Western Fruit Express Company does not relieve the Railway Company of responsibility for proper handling of perishable freight on the road and at points where the Express Company does not maintain representatives. Conductors on trains carrying perishable freight will ascertain from waybills class of service required and light or extinguish heaters and manipulate vents in accordance with current instructions for handling perishable freight issued by the National Perishable Freight Committee, copies of which are furnished to all interested parties. 30.....HANDLING OF EXPLOSIVES, INFLAMMABLE AND CORROSIVE LIQUIDS. Cars placarded explosives moving in thru trains must be handled not less than 16th car from road engine, one car from helper engine, and 11 cars from caboose. These cars may be handled second car from engine or caboose in local trains. These cars must not be placed in train next to loaded tank cars, flat or gondola cars loaded with pipe, lumber, poles, iron, steel or refrigerator cars equipped with gas burning heaters, stoves or lanterns, or next to box cars bearing inflammable or corrosive liquids. Cars containing explosives must have air and hand brakes in operative condition, and must not be cut off while in motion. The following will govern handling of shipments of explosives by express and handled in passenger trains: Carload shipments of explosives may be made by Express and handled in passenger trains when in sealed express car properly placarded. Less than carload shipments may be made in so-called Express peddler car with messenger in charge when such car is assigned to the handling of express and baggage exclusively provided shipments are accompanied by an authorized representative of... |