SI_Page_20 ![]() 40.....Employes are forbidden to go out on ledges, running boards, or any other outside structure of ditchers, steam shovels, cranes or other similar machines while moving. 41.....Employes must not go out on exterior of cab or use running board, nor hang from gangway or steps of moving engine. Using the narrow ledge along the bottom of the engine cabs to pass to or from cab to running board or to work from is prohibited. This narrow ledge is to be used only in case of extreme emergency when it is necessary to escape from the cab in this manner to prevent injury from escaping steam, hot water, fire or similar causes. If necessary to get out on running board of engine, engine must not be moving and employe shall use the steps that are provided on the front of the engine from pilot to running board. On engine in roundhouse or shop it is permissible to use ladders or special built stair platforms. 42.....Under Consolidated Code Rule 24, engine number only will be displayed in indicators on engines so equipped. This will also apply when our engines are operating over Northern Pacific tracks. Between Klamath Falls and Chemult Southern Pacific rules will govern. 43.....When picking up train orders on head end of train it must be done from window of engine cab and never from gangway or steps. 44.....While Consolidated Code Rule 204(A) prescribes that copies of train orders will be furnished the rear trainman, such orders will only be furnished on trains designated as follows: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 28, 29, 30, 355, 358, 359, 360 and sections thereof; also any extra passenger trains whether operated as section of regular trains or as a passenger extra. 45.....When no color indication is displayed by a train order signal of the color light type, trains which have not been notified must stop. Trains thus stopped may proceed after securing clearance from operator. If there is no operator on duty, call the operator and secure clearance. Failing to contact operator communicate with train dispatcher for instructions before proceeding. Report the fact to the Superintendent from the first available point of communication. 46.....When engine is being spotted for purpose of taking fuel or water, or leaving there, it will not be moved until it is positively known that employes are located where they will not be injured. Manhole cover must not be opened until actually necessary and closed immediately after using. Avoid overflowing engine tanks particularly during freezing weather to prevent ice forming on ground, grab irons, tanks and foot boards of engines. 47.....Employes must see that manhole covers on fuel oil cistern of oil burning engines are securely fastened by all lugs after fuel oil has been taken. 48.....On stoker equipped engines, stoker must be stopped before employes attempt to pass thru or perform any work in the coal space of tender. 49.....Employes who are authorized to move engines at shops and roundhouses, either on inside or outside tracks, must, by inspection, know before moving engine that it is in condition to be moved, and be positive that no one is working underneath or around it that is liable to be injured. When necessary to work under engine on outside tracks another employe will stand watch to prevent engine being moved. 50.....When moving engines or heater cars in or about roundhouse tracks, employes in charge of such movement must see man is stationed on rear end of engine or on leading end of heater car while movements are being made and at night white light must be displayed on the rear end of engine or heater car. 51.....No employe will move the reverse lever of an engine without first knowing that no one is working around links or other parts who might be injured thereby. 52.....Employes firing up boilers must see that boiler is full of water, that reverse lever is in center of quadrant with throttle closed and cylinder cocks open before starting fire to generate steam in boiler. 53.....The hole in fire box door of oil burning engines will be closed except when being used for sanding purposes. |