SI_Page_5 ![]() ..."Hand Throw" until all switching, or other train or engine movements over the switch, has been completed, when "Hand Throw" lever shall be latched in either position and "Short" lever shall be moved to position displaying "Power" and locked. All home signals will indicate Stop during the period "Short" lever is in position displaying "Hand". Under no circumstances shall a hand signal be given for a train or engine movement over an interlocking switch unless the "Short" lever is in position displaying "Hand" and the switch has been lined in the position desired by the "Hand Throw" lever. 19.....Between NP Jct. and Delta (freight yard) 8.26 miles west, trains and engines will be governed by NP Ry timetable and Special Instructions. 20.....Interbay, main track is a single track between 700 ft. east of NP Ry crossing and 4000 ft. west of bridge 4, Ballard. Each end of this single track is equipped with a spring switch, normal position is for trains entering double track. Color light type dwarf signal 4.8 governing eastward movements from yard lead to main track thru spring switch near 23rd Avenue overhead bridge is interconnected with and is a part of the automatic block signal system. When an eastward movement is to be made from yard lead to main track, trainmen shall operate push button "R" at signal 4.8. If no conflicting movement is being made on main track and spring switch is in proper operating condition, signal 4.8 will indicate proceed after a time interval of two minutes. After push button "R" is operated a white light will be displayed if operation is effective. If push button "R" is operated and the intended movement is not made, or main track switch is not lined, push button "N" must be operated to restore signal system to normal condition to avoid delays to trains on main track. Push button "N" must never be operated, after push button "R" if the intended movement is to be made. Westward freight trains will enter yard at the connection from westward main track at east end of yard unless otherwise instructed by yardmaster. Trains or engines must stop east of signal 5.3 and not proceed until trainmen have lined switch to enter yard. 21.....Interbay yard, pilot light on dwarf signal 5.1 adjacent to crossover where trains enter main track, for purpose of calling employes' attention to signal when getting off cars or engines between tracks. 22.....Seattle Tunnel. Train and engine movements between North Portal and South Portal Interlocking Towers are controlled by semi-automatic interlocking signals, and a positive block is maintained in both directions. A train or engine may make a forward or backward movement without flag protection within these limits, observing governing signal indications. A train or engine may enter the tunnel against the current of traffic for short or switchmg movements as required, when governing home signal indicates proceed. However, no train or engine will make a complete through movement from one tower to the other against the current of traffic, or pass a home singal displaying Stop indication unless furnished "Tunnel Card" signed by the operator. When moving against the current of traffic, do not exceed 10 MPH. Interlocking signal located at North Portal of Seattle tunnel and controlled from South Portal Tower will display indications in accordance with Rules 601-A, 601-C and 601-D. Green over Red (Rule 601-C) displayed indicates route thru South Portal Interlocker to eastward main track (Tunnel track 4) properly lined. Red over Yellow (Rule 601-D) displayed indicates diverging route thru South Portal Interlocker properly lined. While these indications repeat the indications of the dwarf signal of color light type located at the South Portal of Seattle tunnel governing southward train and engine movements to eastward main track (Tunnel Track 4) and other station tracks of King St. station, emergencies may arise which may cause a change in the indications of this dwarf signal after southward train or engine has entered the tunnel and enginemen and trainmen must be on the alert to observe such change which will be indicated by the display of a yellow light and the sounding of a horn at the special southbound approach signal located in the tunnel about twelve hundred (1200) feet north of the South Portal. |